Q&A: Justin Time of Vape'n'Shine | VAPE News Magazine

Remember back to your first big mod purchase. You opened the box and carefully laid it upon a flat palm to observe every engraving, bend and twist. Then a few weeks go by and it hasn't even left the house because you are too afraid it may experience the same fate as your previous PV's—dinged up, scratched and ware marks from where you had fondled it. No longer does this fear have to haunt you when you pick up your next unicorn. Feel free to take it out on display and evendrop it once in a while! There is a new company in our vaping community that relieves us of all of these anxieties and they are known as Vape'n'Shine.
I first heard about Vape'n'Shine though a Facebook group. I thumbed through a few of their pictures and was surprised to see how much attention to detail Justin Time, CEO and Founder of Vape'n'Shine, had put into his work. From changing mods' overall finishes to completely redoing custom finishes this guy really has done his homework and can tackle any request you may come up with for your mod. From brushing to media blasting, polishing and refinishing, to complete refurbishing, he can turn your beat-up treasures into better-than-new collection pieces. I met with Time to find out more about his story and the origin of Vape'n'Shine.
Vape News: Justin when and why did you start vaping?
JT: I made the switch in April of 2011; I desperately wanted to quit smoking. I couldn't stand to smoke anymore, but I just couldn't quit. I ran into a friend who was using a BLU, and decided I would give it a try. Needless to say it wasn't cutting it, so I set out to do some of my own research and stumbled upon the vaping community.
Vape News: Which would you say are your top three favorite mods?
JT: My three favorite mods, currently, are my BBM TI 18500, BaGua 22mm TI 18500 and my Caravela in 18500 of course.
Vape News: When did you first start refinishing and refurbishing mods?
JT: It was in February of 2013 that I made the decision to start repairing, refurbishing and refinishing mods. I was still buying second- and third-hand mods, hybrids and atties off of the ECF classifieds. It was when I purchased an iHybrid that was in not so good condition. I found an old electric motor, a polishing wheel and some compound and just went to town on it. Turns out I had a knack for it. It was then when someone on one of the Facebook groups was asking if he knew someone who could polish his Zen Standard. I jumped in, did the job,and before I knew it, he recommended me to his friends, and then those people to their friends. It snowballed! People were requesting satin finishes, brushed finishes, and so I started buying the equipment needed to do such work.
Vape News: Who could you list as your greatest mentor in the process?
JT: My greatest mentor ... well I would have to say my father. While working with metal is not his trade (nor mine), he is very knowledgeable in many fields, a do-it-yourself-er so to say, and good one at that. Most of my knowledge came from reading and researching; but he was always there since the beginning to offer his advice and to brainstorm with.
Vape News: Aside from personal orders from the vaping community, have you been sought out by any of the big name modders for your trade?
JT: Yes I have worked with some of the big name modders. Doc Dave for instance, we will be working together on many projects here in the future. To name just one specifically, Bliss special LE's. I have also been talking to various other modders as well. Stay tuned to find out who they are!
Vape News: What would you say has been the most rewarding part of your personal vaping experience as well as the experience you have with Vape'n'Shine?
JT: The most rewarding part of my vaping experience is seeing my friends and family follow suit and kick tobacco for good. Specifically both of my parents, smokers for more than 40 years, and have both made it to more than a year of no tobacco since switching to vaping. In-so-far-as Vape'n'Shine and the community, just helping people restore new life to damaged mods and atties as well as having a chance to put my own personal touch on some of the most sought after gear out there.
Vape News: What plans do you have for the future of Vape'n'Shine?
JT: Designing mods and atties are just some of the future plans for Vape'n'Shine, as well as engraving and plating.
Vape News: If you were stuck on a deserted island with only one outlet, and could only have one mod with you, which would you have by your side?
JT: There's a electrical outlet on a deserted island? I guess if I had to be stuck with one setup; it would be my BaGua 22mm TI with Bliss TI V3 Special atty. But ask me again in a month from now and I'm sure it will be something else.
Vape News: Do you have any comments for the vaping community?
JT: It has been quite a journey so far. Vape'n'Shine is only my part-time business. I work a full-time career in the geomatic engineering field, and it has been quite a challenge to keep up with the demand of mod repairs and customization. I would like to personally thank all the members of the vaping community for their support and patronage.
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